Ensino Médio

Nothing less than the highest dream, in Brazil and in the World.

Although Western culture has built a pejorative view, adolescence is one of the most beautiful and fascinating phases of life. In it, intellectual autonomy, moral and citizenship acquire clear boundaries. Despite being a phase of intense changes, teenagers will have to make their most important choices in life. For the first time, their choices will be made by themselves and their success will depend solely on their merits and competence. Choosing a career and being accepted at a well-known university are examples of personal and non-transferable challenges.

Mischoosing a career or even not being accepted at a renowned university might be a significant drawback in the future professional and social life.

Professional careers are in the process of deep reorganization. A highly desirable career now might not be one in a short run. Besides the fierce competition in admission processes for Brazilian universities as well as abroad require a sound academic knowledge.

There is no shortcut, the teenager needs a sound academic foundation.

High School is structured to cater for all students needs when facing their challenges. We aim at helping each student to reach their full potential, ready to occupy a prominent position in academic life and leadership in the economic and social world. 

High School - Diploma reconhecido pelas melhores universidades do mundo

No Ensino Médio tem…

● Professores notáveis e aulas inspiradoras como garantia de sólida aprendizagem.

● Currículo estruturado com base na nova legislação para o Ensino Médio.

● Conteúdo completo para os mais concorridos vestibulares e núcleos de aprofundamento para Medicina, Direito, Arquitetura e Engenharia (POLI, ITA e IME).

● Conjunto de simulados para ENEM e principais vestibulares.

● Participação em olimpíadas acadêmicas para vivência de grandes provas externas.

● Aulas eletivas envolvendo diversas disciplinas e áreas de interesse...

● Feiras, palestras, pesquisas e visitas às grandes universidades, visando à escolha da carreira profissional.

● Coaching para escolha de carreiras e acompanhamento acadêmico e emocional.

● High School para obtenção de Dual Diploma - importante vantagem nos processos de admissão de universidades internacionais.

● Preparação para as certificações internacionais (Exames de Cambridge e TOEFL).

● Diretoria Internacional para assessorar os alunos que planejam cursar universidades no exterior.

● Ambiente de alta expectativa, que estimula o aluno a fazer sempre seu melhor e conquistar seus grandes sonhos.