A solid pedagogical model must anchor its main axis in classical academic formation. However, the complex demands of the contemporary world require broader training, including areas and content for the so-called multiple skills, which comprise math, languages, science, technology, areas of creativity, leadership and personal resourcefulness that should be integrated in their scopes.
With the Multiple Competency curriculum, our students can enjoy a rich array of extracurricular activities and courses, discovering skills, recognizing skills, and expanding their repertoire in this fertile phase of life.
There are more than 40 activities available for the student to choose from, these can help them discover and improve their skills and competences:
Contato - Cursos Conveniados (pagos)
NBA Basketball School, La Liga Football School e Metodologia Gustavo Borges
Agenda Edu - Canal de Mensagens: Esporte
Engenhoteca (Maker / STEAM)
Ingenium (Núcleo de Altas Habilidades)
Escola de Música Sons do Jardim
Roda de Matemática
- A quantidade de cursos é limitada por série e as modalidades são oferecidas de acordo com a faixa etária dos alunos. Informe-se com a coordenação.
- As inscrições são realizadas no início do ano, pelo site do colégio.
- Todos os cursos estão sujeitos à formação de turma.